Our Aims


The Association is a not-for-profit organisation.


A statement of our aims, taken from our Constitution document, is:


a. To maintain a watching brief over public transport operations, in particular those local to Wirral and its connections with the rest of the country, in order to identify deficiencies in current operations and poorly thought-out proposals for changes to operations.


b. To act as a pressure group to represent the transport interests of the travelling public in Wirral, in particular, by informing the transport operators of the deficiencies in their services, and any suggestions for improvements that the Association has devised; then urging and monitoring their resolution/implementation.


c.  To support campaigns for major improvements to the local transport infrastructure, e.g. new stations.


d. To keep the Members of the Association informed of current transport matters and the Association’s work by activities such as publishing a Newsletter and sending it to the Members, maintaining a website and hosting a talk or talks on transport-related matters.


e. To encourage, within the local community, interest in all aspects of transport in Wirral and to further the Association’s aims by means of posters, the website, the talks, and the organising of trips to transport venues, e.g. heritage railways. A further aim of these activities is to interest non-members to join the Association.


f.   To get involved in any transport issue that is judged by the Executive Committee to be of interest to the Association.


g. To represent the Wirral area on various national transport focus groups.



[Page last updated/checked 23/10/24