Our Data Protection Policy


The WTUA must comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legislation on the privacy and security of personal data it holds on its members and other participants in its activities.  This legislation requires holders of personal data to provide a statement of why that data is collected, how it is used, how it is stored and arrangements for its correction and deletion.


If you are a member, in order for the WTUA to notify you of its membership activities and send you its Newsletters, it is assumed that your consent has been given for us to keep your contact and preference details. If you are a non-member who has participated in our activities, in order for the WTUA to notify you of future activities, again it is assumed that your consent has been given for us to keep your contact details. If you terminate your membership, we will keep those details for the following two years unless you explicitly request us to delete them sooner. If you are a non-member but wish for us to be able to contact you, you should notify us that you give your consent for us to keep your contact details. If we receive a notification of death or a request from you for removal from our contact details, your details will be removed as soon as practicable.


To notify us of withdrawal or of granting of your consent, please write a message similar to: ‘I hereby notify the WTUA that I withdraw / grant (as appropriate) my consent for the WTUA to contact me and to hold my contact details’  and add your name and address. Then post it to the Membership Secretary (see address see Application Form page) or email it to us, (see procedure in following paragraph).


To contact WTUA by Email-

Click the link Send email to WTUA. This link will open an email window in which you should put your message. Then send the email (usually by pressing a button labelled 'Send').


Description Of Our Policy

Why do we collect your personal information?

To maintain a list of Members. This is used:

·      to send out Membership Renewal forms

·      to manage subscription payments

·      to communicate information to Members about our Meetings and Excursions

·      to send Newsletters

·      to pass on other matters of likely interest to Members.

To maintain a list of Non-Members who have been on our Excursions or who have expressed an interest in doing so. This is used:

·      to send out invitations to join our Excursions. This fills extra seats on the coaches and hence makes the excursion fees more affordable.

·      to invite them to become Members of the Association by sending them a Membership Application Form.

To maintain a list of Transport-Industry Experts who can speak on transport-related matters. This is used to invite an Expert to speak on a transport topic at an Association Event.


What information do we hold on people?

·      Personal Members and Non-Members: includes Title, Name, Postal and Email addresses and Telephone numbers, Option not to be notified of Excursions.

·      Corporate Members: may include a personal contact name within the organisation.

·      Transport-Industry Experts: includes Title, Name, personal Postal and Email addresses and Telephone numbers, Areas of Expertise, Organisations to which they belong with their Postal and Email addresses and Telephone numbers.

Who uses this data?

WTUA Committee Officers, in particular: the Treasurer, the Association Secretary, the Membership Secretary, any Officer involved in organising an Association Event or Excursion, or their co-opted substitutes.

Where is the data stored?

Electronically and on paper. The Committee Officers handling the data will ensure the details remain confidential and ensure their security against unauthorised access.

Who will we share your information with?

If an Event organised by the Association makes use of a service supplied by a third party and the third party requires details of persons using that service, then:

·      for any such Event which requires participants to apply for entry to the Event, the return of an Event Application Form will be taken as the applicant giving their consent for us to supply those details to the 3rd party.

·      for any such Event which is free to Members to attend and for which no attendance notification from the Member is required, the details of all Members (as potential participants) will be supplied to the 3rd party.

Types of documents containing the data

·      Spread-sheets of Member details

·      Attendance lists (Members and Non-Members)

·      Emails and correspondence

·      Photos of Members and Non-Members attending Association Events which may appear on the society website and Facebook

Consent for data collection and storage

The Membership Application Form and the Renewal Form include a statement that submission of payment to the WTUA will be taken as the person described giving their consent for the Association to store this information and for their consent for the Association to contact them, for up to 24 months after their Membership lapses, unless the Member explicitly requests the removal of their information.


Event Application Forms sent to a Non-Member will be accompanied by a Consent Form requesting their personal details and asking for their consent for the Association to store this information and for their consent for the Association to contact them, for up to 24 months after their last submitted Excursion Form or request for Excursion details, unless the Non-Member explicitly requests the removal of their information.

Retention of Personal Information

Members’  personal information will be stored for as long as they are Members and for up to 24 months after their membership lapses, unless the Member explicitly requests the removal of their information. A review of all outstanding subscriptions will be made 24 months after they become due and any previous Members who have not renewed their membership will have their details removed.


Non-Members’  personal information will be stored up to 24 months after their last submitted Event Application Form or request for Excursion details, unless the Non-Member explicitly requests the removal of their information.


Transport-Industry Experts’  personal information will be retained for as long as there is a possibility of their providing a lecture, unless the Expert explicitly requests the removal of their information.


Rights of Individuals

We will follow the requirements of the GDPR which requires that each individual has:

·      The right of access to their details

·      The right to rectify any error in their details

·      The right to erase their details

·      The right to restrict what we do with their details

·      Exercise of these rights by a Member, Non-Member or Transport-Industry Expert will be by a written or email request addressed to the Association.




[Page last updated/checked 13/05/23